Law Asia

Experts in Asian Emerging Markets Which Represent Some of the Greatest Opportunities in the Next Decade

The history of Law Asia is the practice history of Dato Paul Supramaniam (“Paul”), founding Partner and Head of Law Asia.

In brief summary:-

  • 2007 – 2010 - Paul was the Asian Head of Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP (“BLP”) - having established BLP in Asia early in 2007. Under the able leadership Paul, BLP developed as a premier South East Asian regional M&A cross-border practice which was recently ranked by PLC, as second only to that of Clifford Chance and Linklaters Allen & Gledhill.
  • 2002 – 2007 - Paul established the English law practice of Latham and Watkins in Asia, where he was a Senior Partner and Asia Head of English law, developing and growing a substantial English law practice in Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo.
  • 1998 – 2002 - Paul was the Founding and Joint Managing Partner of Lovells Singapore office, having been head hunted to open that office. In 2001, he led Lovells into its joint law venture with Lee & Lee, one of Singapore’s premier firms, and was the Co-Head of Lovells Lee & Lee. The Lovells South East Asia business was grown significantly by Paul from a start-up to a thriving entity within Lovells Lee & Lee.
  • 1992 – 1998 - Paul moved to Singapore from UK to set up the corporate practice of Holman Fenwick & Willan as Corporate Partner and Regional Head of the Non-Contentious practice. He successfully ran and grew that practice till his move to Lovells in 1998.
  • Paul completed the legal education (1979 to 1984 - University of Cambridge Law Scholar) and subsequent training as a transaction lawyer (1984 to 1992) in UK with Linklaters (Articles) and as an Associate and thereafter Senior Associate at Slaughter and May in London. In 1992 he returned to Singapore with his family after over 13 years in UK.